About the Event

What is MECS-UP?
MECS-UP stands for Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science of the Upper Peninsula! This conference focuses on sharing the knowledge students and faculty have learned throughout their education and is open to everyone. MECS-UP will be held at Lake Superior State University on April 11th & 12th in the Cisler Center.
Event Schedule
This conference will last two days. Day one will be held from 12pm to 6pm, while day two will be from 10am to 5pm. Listed below are the events that you can expect to occur.

Check-in will begin at 11am on Friday, April 11th. At check-in, guests will receive their name badges and lanyards that they are to wear throughout their attendance at the conference and are allowed to keep afterwards.
Day One
Day one will consist of:
Opening Ceremony
Presentations 1 & 2*
Coffee Break
Presentations 3 & 4*
Social Hour
*Presentations will last 15-30 minutes

Day Two
Day two will consist of:
Brief Opening
Poster Session
Closing Ceremony
Social Hour